Messy Church!
Messy Church is our brand new informal service
designed especially for children and families.
Details of our next service can be found here >>>>>>>>>>>
We would love to welcome you to this act of worship!
No prior booking is needed and the service,
all we ask is that children are accompanied by an adult!
What is Messy Church you may be wondering?
Messy Church is centred around a theme for the day.
It could be Christmas or Easter, or Harvest,
or follow another theme based on a saying of Jesus,
such as 'I am the Light of the World'.
The theme is explored by an exciting craft activities
before we all come together to learn more and sing!
There will always be plenty of refreshments too.
Messy Church will take place on the following dates:
8th April & 13th May.
We hope to see you there!