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Missionary Disciples: Pointing People to Jesus

Vigil Mass

We understand that attending Church on

Sundays is not always possible for a variety

of different reasons, many people now have

to work or attend other activities. 

Whilst Sunday is the day of resurrection,

when Jesus rose from the grave, and we 

gather primarily on this day, the church 

provides a Vigil Mass. A Vigil Mass is a Mass

of the Sunday, with the same readings and 

prayers, but celebrated the night before, 

in this case, Saturday. If you come to a Vigil

Mass it counts as having attended Church

on Sunday.

We're currently experimenting with this

Mass, hoping that it will provide a good 

opportunity for you to attend if you cannot 

make Sunday morning. 

The Vigil Mass is celebrated at 5.00 pm 

on Saturday evenings, the Mass is without

hymns or music, but includes a sermon.

Why not come along if Sundays are a 

struggle? If you'd like more information 

please don't hesitate to be in touch. 

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